- 06/09/21
- initial release
- 09/09/21
- Routes fixed [FIXED]- API Calling path removed, and easy path added! [UPDATED]
- 10/09/21
- get columns name, datatype etc for read [ADDED]- custom parameter modified to query [UPDATED]
- 11/09/21
- file requeste (file upload) via POST [ADDED]
- 12/09/21
- bug fixed in reading query [FIXED]- table not found [FIXED]- file upload path changed [UPDATED]- all joins feature for READ [ADDED]
- 14/09/21
- autorization security [ADDED]
- 18/09/21
- route renamed to [ADDED]- customize api url [ADDED]
- 22/09/21
- new image path created [ADDED]- _embed parameter [ADDED]- sub-domain enable/disable [ADDED]- routes [MODIFIED]
- 23/09/21
- other bugs [FIXED]- error message as json [ADDED]- domain name modify file changed [UPDATED]
- 26/02/222
- other bugs [FIXED]