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It will create new record on table.

Json body#


Record will be pass as json body with POST method

{    "name":"Rohit"}

it will create new records in users table with name(column) Rohit(value).

return when success

{    "status":true,    "message":"Records added successfully"}

Form data#

If you want to send data from form & want to upload files, you have to use form requeste. Image upload will only work in form data. Here you have to use parameter form=true, and for image image=file_field_name.

Data Only#


it will create new records in users table with all field which is recived from source.

return when success

{    "status":true,    "message":"Records added successfully"}

Data and Images#


Make sure you are using Accept-Encoding header, when uploads file.

Note: profile_pic is name of field and database column also. it will received image from profile_pic(input form) and will store name of file to profile_pic(table's column). you can upload multiple image by passing by comma like this image=profile_pic,cover,mycard

File will be uploaded at root/uploads folder with random name.

return when success

{    "status":true,    "message":"Records added successfully"}

You will access image with this both url